Feng Shui Consultant | Energy Coach | Speaker | Educator
Hello, I'm Marie Larson, the Energy Whisperer. My life's purpose is to guide others to become the best versions of themselves. Multiple certifications make me qualified to be an energy healer, but it's my passion for educating and helping others that drives my daily work.
I began The Energy Whisperer in 2017, but have been practicing energy work and feng shui for over a decade. Whether it is hosting a workshop, balancing a home, or leading someone's spiritual pathway, I address a wide range of needs through the ancient arts of Feng Shui, Polarity, Resonance Repatterning, and more.
Thank you for visiting my website and I hope to work with you one day.​


My Journey
How the universe set my path and made me who I am
From the West Coast of California, I was the only family member born in the United States. This not only made my family dynamics “different” from that of my peers, but growing up in the Hollywood limelight bred such separate morals, customs, and opportunities that my parents could not provide, nor understand I couldn’t help but feel outcast. The clash between American and European culture was strong in my home and was the basis for family dysfunction for years to come. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was part of the journey the universe had intended for me. The universe was giving me signs to be aware and guiding (and at times literally “T-boning” me) to stay on this path of balancing with the environment on a physical, mental and spiritual level. As the years went by, I began finding my purpose through passion and I knew I wanted to help bring not just myself, but others to a higher vibrational level. I want to help others spiral up to higher awareness and live their best life. When you find your true purpose you also find your passion, and with those, you gain your wings to fly.
My exposure to Feng Shui began early as my mother had the greenest thumb growing flowers and plants. She could take any plant near death and bring it back to flourishing life. Growing up in this garden brought me closer to nature. As I grew up and my family life became more dysfunctional, I would escape to the outdoors and find peace with Mother Nature and the Earth (or as we say, Gaia). I felt at home there, safe and at peace.
As I learned that nature helped balance me, I started reading books, taking seminars and gardening classes like Bonsai, landscape architecture, and more. I joined several orchid societies and worked in the field well through my thirties. After reading every gardening book I could find, I expanded into other areas like aromatherapy, medicinal plants, and found great interest in “organic” eating and living. Naturally, these realms kept bringing me back to the eastern hemisphere, especially the Asian and Indian cultures, which lead me to discover Feng Shui. Feng Shui opened a whole new world to me and seemed to piece together my life puzzle. I started realizing where my life’s imbalances were and Feng Shui provided the tools and intention to re-direct what I could to improve the balance. Up to this point in my life, the universe had been giving me puzzle pieces I just needed to become aware of the signs to start putting them together.
I was in my forties when it finally hit me. Coming from a dysfunctional family, a dysfunctional marriage, a mother of three and divorced, I needed to heal and to reinvent myself. So, what now Universe? I had a Bachelor Degree in Psychology with minors in Chemistry and Biology. I worked in the corporate world as a trainer and went on to receive a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Curriculum. I went on to become certified in Feng Shui. So as I became more balanced with my environment and helped my clients do so too, I began to sense something else was missing. I was balanced with my environment but how about inside? I then discovered Resonance Repatterning, a practice based on Polarity (Dr. Randolph Stone’s work) and Acupuncture. Our bodies are an electric field and when it is in balance, our energy flows properly for health and well-being. We are what we resonate and if blocked, we resonate in non-coherent ways that can affect our health, mind, body, and soul. I spent the next few years studying Resonance Repatterning and added this service for my clients. This education and wonder continued as I become certified in Polarity and Cranial Sacral, related energy practices. I am proud to be a member of the IPEA (International Polarity Education Alliance) as an International Polarity Practitioner.
So taking all of my life’s learning pieces, the universe helped me put them together to discover my passion and life purpose: helping and educating people to be in balance with their environment via Feng Shui and mind, body and soul with Resonance Repatterning, Polarity and Cranial Sacral.
Who knows what will be next, but I’m blessed to have this journey and share it with you!